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Ophthalmology Blog in West Palm Beach & Jupiter

Recognizing the Symptoms of a Retinal Tear

retinal tear | May 2024

A retinal tear is a serious condition that can lead to vision impairment if not promptly treated. The retina, a thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye, is crucial for vision. When it tears or develops a hole, it can lead to more severe issues such as a detached retina. The team […]

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What Is the Cause of My Itchy Eyes?

Itchy Eyes | April 2024

If you are dealing with itchy eyes, you are in good company. Many individuals go through the day with eye redness, itching, and discomfort that makes it difficult to avoid eye rubbing. However, knowing the cause of your itchy eyes can help you understand your treatment options. Patients in West Palm Beach and Jupiter trust […]

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Avoid Eyestrain: Tips for Preventing Tired, Dry Eyes

Eyestrain | March 2024

If you spend long hours in front of a screen, whether it is for work or leisure, you may be familiar with the discomfort of eyestrain. Also known as eye fatigue or asthenopia, eyestrain is a common condition that is the result of extensive use of the eyes in certain situations, such as reading in […]

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Understanding Diabetic Eye Diseases and Vision Loss

Diabetic Retinopathy | February 2024

Those with diabetes likely understand the risk to health that comes with it. However, this condition can also significantly impact the healthy function of the eyes, jeopardizing vision in the process. Diabetes can be managed with medications, a nutritious diet, healthy lifestyle choices, and regular eye examinations. However, it is important to understand the serious […]

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IOL Options After Refractive Lens Exchange

RLE | January 2024

If you are considering refractive lens exchange, it is likely you are aware of the many benefits that come with this procedure, which involves replacing the natural lens of the eye with an artificial lens known as an IOL. There are a number of IOL options available to patients that offer varying vision benefits, and […]

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Living with Fuch’s Dystrophy: Management and Treatment Options

Fuch’s Dystrophy | December 2023

Fuch’s dystrophy is an inherited eye condition that leads to impaired vision and eye discomfort. Symptoms of Fuch’s dystrophy, such as blurry vision and foreign object sensation in the eye, are often observed after age 50. As the disease progresses, the cell layer responsible for regulating eye fluid levels starts to die off, which causes […]

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Very Low-Fat Diet May Be Associated with Increased Glaucoma Risk

Glaucoma | November 2023

Glaucoma is a group of eye disorders that can lead to vision loss and blindness by damaging the optic nerve. There are a number of risk factors associated with glaucoma, including family history and high blood pressure. However, a very low-fat diet may also be a risk factor for this condition. Dr. Mittleman understands that […]

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Prevent Vision Loss from Glaucoma

Glaucoma | October 2023

Glaucoma often exists as a silent threat to your vision. It causes damage to the eye often without any symptoms to announce its presence and is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. When it comes to this condition, prevention is essential to preserving your vision. Below, the team at Mittleman Eye detail the […]

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Retinal Detachment – Symptoms to Look Out For

retinal detachment | September 2023

Retinal detachment is a serious eye condition that can greatly impact your eye health. In fact, the condition can even lead to vision loss if not addressed. This is why it is important that you remain aware of the symptoms associated with this condition so that you can take swift action if something appears to […]

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Should I Be Concerned About Eye Floaters?

Eye Floaters | August 2023

Being vigilant about your eye health can help alert you to potential vision-threatening diseases and protect you from harmful conditions. For example, a sudden change in vision could indicate the presence of a larger problem — especially if you have other health conditions. However, what about the seemingly harmless things that tend to be missed, […]

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