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Ophthalmology Blog in West Palm Beach & Jupiter

Very Low-Fat Diet May Be Associated with Increased Glaucoma Risk

Glaucoma | November 2023

Glaucoma is a group of eye disorders that can lead to vision loss and blindness by damaging the optic nerve. There are a number of risk factors associated with glaucoma, including family history and high blood pressure. However, a very low-fat diet may also be a risk factor for this condition. Dr. Mittleman understands that […]

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Prevent Vision Loss from Glaucoma

Glaucoma | October 2023

Glaucoma often exists as a silent threat to your vision. It causes damage to the eye often without any symptoms to announce its presence and is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. When it comes to this condition, prevention is essential to preserving your vision. Below, the team at Mittleman Eye detail the […]

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Can Glaucoma Treatment Prevent Blindness? Preserving Your Remaining Vision

Blog, Glaucoma | October 2022

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that causes abnormally high eye pressure and damages the optic nerve. The optic nerve is a crucial part of your vision as it sends messages to your brain to turn into images. Glaucoma tends to affect the side or peripheral vision first, damaging your eyesight before you know […]

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Can a Diabetes Drug Protect You from Glaucoma?

Blog, Glaucoma | June 2022

What is Glaucoma? Scientists have identified several risk factors for glaucoma, including age, ethnicity, family history and other medical conditions. Specifically, people with diabetes are twice as likely to develop glaucoma. That is why the doctors at Mittleman Eye are excited to learn of new research showing that a popular type of diabetes medication may […]

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Glaucoma: Warning Signs to Look Out For

Glaucoma | September 2021

Glaucoma is an eye disease that affects an estimated 3 million Americans. This condition causes pressure to build up in your eye, which harms the optic nerve. Over time, glaucoma can lead to severe vision loss or even total blindness. Given how debilitative this disease can be, the excellent ophthalmologist team at Mittleman Eye shares […]

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